For those that were not with us, I will leave the references to your imagination, those who were on the trip keep smiling. Starring :- Frank, Jackie, Dee, Liam, Dale, Nicole, Neil, Mac, Ron, Annie, Eric, Howard, Ian, Simon, James, Mik & Su.
Annie congratulations on completing your 250th dive. Airport fun in Egypt on the way home security checks very thorough.
Bubbles (I’m forever blowing bubbles), Blue spotted rays.
Cake, for breakfast, lunch and dinner (result).
Dolphins (2nd day).
Erk Issa, dive site 4th day.
Family (wonderful people from the Scuba Trust).
Gota Abu Ramada, dive site 2nd day.
Holiday fun in the sun.
Instructors – Reda Red Sea Divers.
Jellyfish, Jellyfish Jellyfish (everyday).
Kite flying from the sun deck.
Liam, Dee, Jackie, Dale congratulations on completing/passing your courses.
Mövenpick Resort, friendly staff, lovely food, ice creams.
Napoleon Wrasse, Moray Eel – Navigation – Mr Buchanan needs a new compass.
“Over-here” see above.
Peppered Moray Eel.
Questions, questions !!
Russian Bikini Fish (Mac) lol.
Sergeant Major fish, Sinking Kit there it was, then it wasn’t (Simon).
Turft El Shaheil, Dive site 5th day.
Underwater walking amazing.
Videos by Liam, thank-you brilliant.
Wonderful Weather 50°c + scorchy Weight, too many not enough or just forgotten Liam & Ian ??
Xcelllent, Xciting Xtreme sport.
Yummy last supper at the Italian restaurant.
Zimmer frame, we forgot that !! (oops)